Flexi Care Nanoplastia Smooth Treatment FORMALDEHYDE FREE

Flexi Care Nanoplastia Smooth Treatment FORMALDEHYDE FREE
  • $190.00

Motie Rubin NANOPLASTIA Smooth Treatment. Treat. Wash & Go Formaldehyde Free

The Motie Rubin Company is proud to present Motie Rubin NANOPLASTIA Smooth treatment. Our product is a new straightening product that rehabilitates hair with an innovative formula utilizing cutting-edge technology.  This hair smooth method is suitable for all hair types. Our revolutionary formula contains active ingredients based on the synergy of protein and biological amino acids that combine with the hair for a smoother result creating silky, soft, healthy hair.

The material contains only healthy ingredients without any formaldehyde. During the straightening process the customer feels no discomfort whatsoever, nor does the hairdresser or other customers.  There is no unpleasant odor when straightening with Motie Rubin Nanoplastia Smooth Treatment, nor does it cause any burning sensation in the eye. 

We at Motie Rubin Professionals continue to lead the way in hair smoothing throughout the world. Additionally, to maintain your Nanoplastia Smooth Treatment it is recommended to use the full range of Motie Rubin sulfate-free products.


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